Foire aux questions

How can I see the predictions of the other players?
On the page where you can enter your round prediction Prediction => Pronostic de journée you'll find the predictions and the scoring of the players which are on your watchlist. With the select box Ajouter un joueur à votre liste de surveillance you can add further players to your watchlist. The predictions of the other players are hidden until the according match (or race, stage, event) has started.
I see that a kick-off time of a match is wrong. What can I do to correct that?
By selecting Arbitre => Vérifier les heures de coup d'envoi you can mark a kick-off time as incorrect. The admins will see your notification and amend the kick-off time if this is accurate.
I can't enter predictions for the selected prediction game. Why?
This can be caused by different reasons. Please check that [1] the prediction game is not over yet, [2] are you logged in, [3] you signed up to the prediction game and [4] the prediction game is started.
I accidentally signed up for a prediction game. How can I revoke my participation?
In case the prediction game hasn't started yet, you should select TT_YOUR_NAME => Annuler sa participation. There is currently no way to revoke your participation from a prediction game that has already started.
Some text are not yet translated into the language I selected and some translations are incorrect. Can I help to add or rectify these translations?
Yes, you can add missing translations or correct false translations by yourself. You just have to select Arbitre => Traductions. With the select boxes Choisir la langue you decide which towards which language you want to translate.